Torre di Titti-Torre Sauron-I Menhir  PDF

The Towers of Masua are a series of monoliths with both long and short routes. The climbing is on a perfect white rock shaped by the wind and the sea.


From Iglesias go to Masua (Nebida), at the crossroad of Masua and Buggerru, you should follow for Buggerru. A few hundred meters after the crossroad you park on the right in an area closed to a house and a big tree. You can see the crags in front of you. Take the path towards the sea, after few hundreds meters there’s a tunnel, pass it and continue on the trail.
After some tens of meters you find a trace of path that leads directly to the crag of Torroncino alla Nocciola on your left. Heading left for the steep path you reach the other towers/crags.

BellezzaLegenda: ●●●○○
Esposizione: W
Sole: afternoon
ChiodaturaLegenda: ●●○
Tempo di avvicinamento: tra 10 e 20 minuti
Stile arrampicata: vertical slab
ParcheggioLegenda: ●○○
Da pioggia: No
Per i bimbi: No
Per principianti: No
GPS Falesia: 39.3303614622 N 8.4351477865 E
GPS Parcheggio: 39.3317751121 N 8.4395330306 E





Numero Nome Grado Metri Bellezza Apritore Anno Note è realizzato dal B&B Pedra Rubia, nel Sud Ovest della Sardegna ( e Big Alpine Guide, Guida Alpina in Sardegna e sulle Alpi (