Ombre Rosse  PDF

The Crag of Ombre Rosse (“Red Shadows”) is perfect if you can spend very few time climbing, because of the really short approach. You park the car almost below the crag and the place is very close to Iglesias. Here you find some nice routes on slab on the left side while is more physical on the right side.


The crag is accessible from Iglesias and from the road SS130. From SS130, coming from Iglesias, you exit at km 47.8. Once in front of the hotel “Il Sillabario”, take the road to the right, turn left when it ends. Go ahead on the road (location Palmeri), pass some houses, a farm house and “Casa Emmaus”. After a while, you can see the crag on the right, turn right onto a dirt road and then immediately turn left to park below the crag.

BellezzaLegenda: ●●●○○
Esposizione: S
Sole: all day
ChiodaturaLegenda: ●●●
Stagione: PRI AUT INV
Tempo di avvicinamento: < 10 minuti
Stile arrampicata: vertical slab
ParcheggioLegenda: ●●●
Da pioggia: No
Per i bimbi: No
Per principianti: No
GPS Falesia: 39.3211848304 N 8.5731983185 E
GPS Parcheggio: 39.3211848304 N 8.5731983185 E





Numero Nome Grado Metri Bellezza Apritore Anno Note è realizzato dal B&B Pedra Rubia, nel Sud Ovest della Sardegna ( e Big Alpine Guide, Guida Alpina in Sardegna e sulle Alpi (